Thursday, June 4, 2009

I removed my playlist...

Today is the last day of school. I just watched my two little flowers run out the door without eating go party it up at 3rd grade for one last day!! Aw the Summer is here....
(birds chirping out my window...) **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

had to enjoy that moment of silence because soon my other little flower is going to wake and I won't be able to look at my computer let alone try and blog. She's such a handful...yet loving spending time with her.
Today I'm going to go take some candid pictures of my sweet 3rd grader sassy mamas at their last day of school...I'll try and post some soon. Then when I come home I'm going to try and somewhat plan the rest of our Summer...Ive got to keep the little blessings busy!

Must admit...this Summer is off to a good start. I have so much to be thankful for and YES I truly am thankful.

I removed my playlist of songs... it was highly suggested by a friend. Never intended to annoy anyone with it but then was kind of annoying. Plus I didn't know how to still list my fav songs yet not have them play as soon as someone opened the blog.
Thinking about redecorating the ol'blog...yet I can't help but still LOVE the sweet pictures of my three flowers that are already on here. Maybe I can just add more updated pictures yet keep the old too?? Seems like the theme of my life lately...really want to hold on to the past and slow down a bit yet...looking for change and some newness....ugh.
Well my blog peeps. This mama is headed out to start her day...thanks for checkin' in on me and my three little blessings now and then.

Yea! Summer's here...SMILE!!
See ya on FACEBOOK!! (he-he)