Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dallas Child - Death of Daughter Led Jenny Hander to Writing

I just ran across this article while looking through the Dallas Child magazine. I have about 20 copies to pass out to friends and family. I originally was planning on sharing the magazine copies because Katelyn's & Lexi's picture is in an ad on page 78. Their picture was chosen to be in an ad for Kids and Art. (which BTW is an awesome program) But now I'm also going to tell them to read the article/interview on Jenny Hander. Another story of TTTS. Jenny Hander has written a wonderful book. I've not read the whole thing yet but have it by my bed reading a little each night. I also have added her website to my link list. I'm planning on contacting Jenny at some point in the near future. We will have to see what happens. I'd love to sit and have a chat with her. :)

Dallas Child - Death of Daughter Led Jenny Hander to Writing

Above this the direct link to the article in the Dallas Child magazine. Don't forget to check out her website too. I've added it to my "links I like" list. ---ttyl

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Maam

Yes! Today was my Birthday and although I don't want to have anymore birthday's I have to say today was a really nice day.
I'm blessed beyond words for all the friends and family I have surrounding me in my life. I thought often today..."Thank you GOD for all you've given me."

Here are some pictures of my birthday dinner at Cheesecake Factory. This was a last minute decision to have dinner tonight...I'd originally asked if the family could get together later this weekend like on Sunday because earlier today I just wanted to relax at home and DO NOTHING! Well we all know how that goes,...we are always on the go. Also last night Nick and I got to sneak away to stay in a nice plush hotel after he took me to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. Thank you honey for a nice time. So, I was a little tired and like I said, I wasn't planning on doing much today on my "real" birthday.
I'm home now just after dinner with the family and wanted to post these pictures and post a note of what a nice day I had. I did feel old "-er" today. I had a nice day but couldn't help feel a little sad that I'm officially now in my late 30's. UGH! Forty is just around the corner!!! OK, OK I have to stop thinking bad and scary thoughts. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but notice several more wrinkles than usual this morning. UGH! And why is it all of a sudden EVERY guy or person lately is calling me Ma'am! "Yes Ma'am", this and "Yes Ma'am" that I used to think this was polite but for some reason now I'm a little annoyed by it. I wonder..,do I look like I'm a Ma'am? Do I look older than my age or is calling me "Ma'am" is what I should expect from here on out? What happened to "MISS"?! or "Young lady" Or I'll be honest...I miss being called "Darlin'" (just a little bit). I know its a Texas thing...and only in college did I hear that. Oh Well...
I have to think good positive thoughts..(as Nick would tell me) I'm headed off to bed now trying to think of nice pretty thoughts. Hope you enjoyed the pictures from favorite is the first one I posted. Finally,... one picture of the girls and I all looking at the camera! From left to right...Katelyn, Me, Sydnee and Lexi. Thanks Nick for taking it.
OK some more positive thoughts...
I get to extend my b-day out a little till the end of the week! As you see, Damon was not in any pictures. Damon was unable to come tonight because of work so he asked if he could take the girls and I to lunch on Friday at his Country Club. (OOOHHH fancy!) Katelyn was so excited while talking with Damon on the phone today in the car she said...,

"Hey Damon,..after lunch on Friday, maybe we all could play a little game of golf too?! I'll bring my clubs. What do you say?"
Too Funny! I could tell Damon was a little surprised by her request he responded by saying..."Well, I'll sure check to see if there is a tee time for us that day and I'll let you know...(sarcastically)...don't forget to bring your sticks OK!"

Katelyn I guess has yet to learn that her mom cannot hit a golf ball what-so-ever!
I don't even own clubs!
However, I'm glad she has showed some real interest in playing golf though. Maybe I'll be driving a golf cart around one day while watching the all the girls play soon?
(dreaming of being in a professional tournament...I'd hear..."here comes the Smith sisters...will they clinch the title again and make LPGA golf history??? We'll just have to wait and see how they handle the back nine.)

Wouldn't that be a change!? Hey! That's another good thought! How fun would that be??
Instead of me just being there chauffeur back and forth to cheer practices all day in the car!(must stay positive)
OK,... so that's a nice thought to end on don't ya think?? A little golf dream. Plus I'm tired and I keep making typo mistakes!

Happy birthday to me...let's make it a great year ahead!! Good night!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sueno,Syd and wishing for a stroller

OK who'd ever thought that some day we'd own a race horse?? I never dreamed something like this would ever come our way. Well we are proud owners of Sueno whom is going to be racing this coming weekend again soon. Sometimes the races don't make so I might not be able to tell how she did this weekend if so. I do know the day she raced in the pictures above (#5) it was a really neat day for the family. It was the first time we brought the girls to come watch Sueno race. It was on Sat. the day before Mother's Day. Sueno was really hot that day and as Nathan her trainer put it she was being a "real" bitch that day! Very very feisty and just ready to run it out! Well she sure did!! We got to the track just two races before she was to race. We went outside to watch her prep and walk...IT was INCREDIBLY HOT.. and Nathan kept poring buckets of ice on her. Which really made her mad too! The girls, Nana and I earlier in the day had enjoyed a "Mother's Day Tea" in Plano along with my mom and Memaw. It was really nice. We were all very excited to be able to go with Nick later on to the races. Like I said we got there just in time to watch her walk. I remember my stomach hurting from excitement and also worry that something was going to happen to Sueno in the race because she had never ran in this kind of heat before. I remember hearing others put in their bets and talking about Sueno. I also quickly put my bet down. She was 5/1 which was not so hot and Nick said it was because in the last race she ran she won 2nd and should have won. This time she was expected to win. But you never know what's going to happen. After trying to answer every question under the sun from the twins... we all raced outside to the lowest part of the track pushing our way through the crowd and watching as they loaded the horses in their spots. Trying to keep a close eye one the girls and answering all their questions...I realized how super HOT I was getting. I was holding Sydnee and trying to get her to look out on the track. She was more interested in getting down and walking & exploring what was all over the ground. (old bet tickets and cigarette butts) Then the race began!! And God was it HOT!! I was sweating so bad and we'd only been outside for about 10-15 minutes!!At the first of the race we all were biting our nails and it was very silent...Sueno was riding in the middle of the pack. Then as the pack rounded the corner we all were yelling and jumping up and down. I could not stop thinking about HOT and humid it was!! My eyes were burning from sweat getting into them. By this time, I'd given up on fighting with Sydnee holding her back from the ground. I let her slide out from my sweaty arms. She too was just burning up! Her face was getting red and her head was wet with sweat too. I thought to myself just a little longer (like a minute) and we'd go inside to cool off! Suddenly... Sueno started to come around on the outside of the pack and pass all the others....then she was neck 'n neck with one other horse for the lead. We were all screaming and jumping up and running toward the track...GOD!! RUN!! BABY!! RUN!!!----YES!!YES!! YES!!------- SUENO WON!! SHE DID IT!! ---------------now hear is the part where I'm so so sad to say I did. I along with all the others standing with us started walking briskly toward the winners circle. All huggin', and giving each other high fives etc! Then I realized...HOlY CRAP where is Sydnee!! She was just at my feet and now GONE! As I looked frantically around yelling her name...I about threw up!! I look back behind me where we were standing and see Nana racing toward her as she lay on the ground crying. I raced over to her and grabbed her from Nana who had just swooped her up. She had a scrap on her sweaty little head and was whimpering her little cry. Nana said she saw her walking away from me as I watched the race and then as the race ended the crowd trampled over her to get closer to the track and she got knocked down. I cannot believe I'd just walked on without her!! God I felt horrible and at this point and I started yelling for Nick. He came running back from going toward the "winners circle" and gave me a stern look and took Sydnee from my arms. We all started walking toward the finish line to Sueno. We didn't make it to the winners circle in time to get a picture with Sueno and its all my fault for leaving my precious Syd behind. I tried to video a little bit of the end of the race and us trying to get our picture too but that didn't work so well either. You can check it out what I was able to video. I was so thrilled that Sueno won but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking what Sydnee must be feeling and what horrible things would've happened. Thank God for Nana getting to her so quickly. A Mother's Day weekend race and I definitely did NOT deserve to get a medal for MOM of the year or anything. All in all, it was a memorable day...and next time I go watch Sueno race, I'm going to stay inside watch the race on the monitors, sip on a cold one while I rock & push Sydnee in her stroller!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Check this out!

I found this article VERY interesting!!( Link below)
 Now I know why Nick has no desire to read or talk about much! I think I'm going to try and print this 
for him to read in the bathroom! (easiest way to catch his attention) Maybe he'll learn something like I did!

Why Can't He Hear What You're Saying? - Page2 -  MSN Lifestyle - Relationships

Monday, June 9, 2008

Don't bug ME! & It's to late...

Here is a fun picture of Syd until tomorrow, enjoy!
Sorry I didn't get around to writing about our first week of Summer as I planned. It's very late Sunday night and I just now sat down to check emails, etc. However, I'm so tired cuz we had such a busy day...I've got to go catch some Zzzz's now. Tomorrow after my appointment at 10am I'll write about some of my favorite moments this past "1st week of Summer" for us! -Cami

Friday, June 6, 2008


Watch this spread the word and help give HOPE to families dealing with TTTS like we did!! Katelyn and Lexi are OUR true AMAZING MIRACLES!

There is a link to READ about our journey dealing with TTTS below in "LINKS I should too!)" section of my blog. It will take you to the FETAL HOPE website. Thank you for taking the time to read "OUR STORY".

Thursday, June 5, 2008


You have stumbled upon my blog looking into the daily/weekly events of my crazy life along side my three beautiful flowers that continue to blossom with each moment that passes. I say crazy because I've been blessed to be a mother of twins...unique in it's own right, I'm also a mom of identical twin girls! I remind myself everyday that I've been given true double blessings from the start. God, I know chuckled a little when He blessed me with twin girls the first time around. I guess he knew I could handle it even though I grew up as the only girl in my family. Even better, I now also have a third little flower who just lights up our world. Three girls! Kind of crazy. I also say crazy because things happen (& have happened) to me & my family that I feel probably don't happen to most others that often- or even ever. I am in my almost late 30s but feel like I have lived through a lot of heartache & craziness, maybe more so than others my age. I have definitely had some rough spots...but have challenged myself to not let those events consume or define me. I tell you it's hard to do. I try, try, try to look at life in a positive light...and most often that means I look to God for the strength to do so. He is the source of my joy and happiness in life- even in the midst of chaos at the hardest times. I know He is there holding me up. I always tell myself there is a plan and I must trust. Ultimately I hope to live a life that inspires or challenges other people to be their best too. Especially I hope to be someone whom my daughters can be proud of and look up to. ABOUT THIS BLOG- I will do my best to write candidly about select events in my life in hopes to learn from them, teach others about them, or just to document that they actually happened. Mainly the third because lately I've been so forgetful I don't want to lose site of the "little things & moments" that truly matter. I might even write just to vent, vent vent too! Either way, I look forward to lots of laughs and tears ahead. I'm thankful everyday for each and every moment I'm given & with whom I've been aloud to share my life with so far.
It could be anything I write, depends on my mood...but I promise to keep it as real as I can!
Thanks for taggin' along, checkin' in and contributing to the fun of it all.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Make it a good one!

This is Katelyn's and Lexi's last week of school. The LAST Monday of 2nd grade was yesterday...I did my best to point that out to them as I dragged them out of bed complaining. Lexi's hates Monday's because she says she hates going to PE and she doesn't like to wear tennis shoes all day. Katelyn doesn't like Mondays because...well because it's Monday. After some tears and whining I finally got them both downstairs to breakfast. I tried to point out to the girls to enjoy this week because it's their last few days of being in 2nd grade! They didn't seem to really understand why I was so sentimental about it. Katelyn's comment to me.."whatever mom..we're still going to the same school next year...what's the big deal...I still have to do school work!" Ahh! I asked if they were going to be sad, even just a little bit, and they both shrugged their shoulders and shook their head yes. So as Nick took them out the door headed to school I hugged them and said," It's your last "Monday" of 2nd grade...make it a good one!" Lexi asked," Mom, do you remember your last Monday of 2nd grade?"
As I thought about it...NO I can't even remember being in 2nd grade! But I told her of course I did and that it was a great Monday! (now I'm feeling old...I cannot even remember ONE of my elementary school teachers' names)
OK so yesterday went pretty smoothly...
So today is the last Tuesday of 2nd grade...I didn't mention that this morning...I just went on as it was a normal school day. But I still hope they "make it a good one". I just hope they really have a good day and I hope 2nd grade was a good year for them. I always say this but I cannot believe how fast they are growing up...this school year is already over...they are 8 yrs old...Syd's already 15 months..etc. etc. Time is flying!!
Both girls seemed excited to go to school today because they get to "clean out" their desks and help clean the classrooms and bring it all home!! (ugh! all the papers!) I was told to send extra bags with them so they can carry all their stuff back easier. (ugh! the papers!) Anyway, they both just cannot wait till school is out and its SUMMER BREAK!! Gosh I remember how excited I used to get about Summer too...I LOVE Summer!
Now I'm thinking...I really need to get on the ball and start planning some fun stuff for us to do! And speaking of cleaning stuff out...startin' fresh!
That's what I want to do today too...clean out my closet, my bathroom, etc. to start "fresh"! But we'll have to see what happens...I "want" to do alot of things lately and it all doesn't always work out as planned.
I just heard it's going to be a hot 97 degrees today and this is just the 1st part of June! ugh! Well, Happy Tuesday! Syd just woke so I've gotta go! I'll do my best to "make it a good one!"
Thank you God for all you've blessed me with today

Monday, June 2, 2008