Thursday, June 5, 2008


You have stumbled upon my blog looking into the daily/weekly events of my crazy life along side my three beautiful flowers that continue to blossom with each moment that passes. I say crazy because I've been blessed to be a mother of twins...unique in it's own right, I'm also a mom of identical twin girls! I remind myself everyday that I've been given true double blessings from the start. God, I know chuckled a little when He blessed me with twin girls the first time around. I guess he knew I could handle it even though I grew up as the only girl in my family. Even better, I now also have a third little flower who just lights up our world. Three girls! Kind of crazy. I also say crazy because things happen (& have happened) to me & my family that I feel probably don't happen to most others that often- or even ever. I am in my almost late 30s but feel like I have lived through a lot of heartache & craziness, maybe more so than others my age. I have definitely had some rough spots...but have challenged myself to not let those events consume or define me. I tell you it's hard to do. I try, try, try to look at life in a positive light...and most often that means I look to God for the strength to do so. He is the source of my joy and happiness in life- even in the midst of chaos at the hardest times. I know He is there holding me up. I always tell myself there is a plan and I must trust. Ultimately I hope to live a life that inspires or challenges other people to be their best too. Especially I hope to be someone whom my daughters can be proud of and look up to. ABOUT THIS BLOG- I will do my best to write candidly about select events in my life in hopes to learn from them, teach others about them, or just to document that they actually happened. Mainly the third because lately I've been so forgetful I don't want to lose site of the "little things & moments" that truly matter. I might even write just to vent, vent vent too! Either way, I look forward to lots of laughs and tears ahead. I'm thankful everyday for each and every moment I'm given & with whom I've been aloud to share my life with so far.
It could be anything I write, depends on my mood...but I promise to keep it as real as I can!
Thanks for taggin' along, checkin' in and contributing to the fun of it all.

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