Friday, June 20, 2008

Sueno,Syd and wishing for a stroller

OK who'd ever thought that some day we'd own a race horse?? I never dreamed something like this would ever come our way. Well we are proud owners of Sueno whom is going to be racing this coming weekend again soon. Sometimes the races don't make so I might not be able to tell how she did this weekend if so. I do know the day she raced in the pictures above (#5) it was a really neat day for the family. It was the first time we brought the girls to come watch Sueno race. It was on Sat. the day before Mother's Day. Sueno was really hot that day and as Nathan her trainer put it she was being a "real" bitch that day! Very very feisty and just ready to run it out! Well she sure did!! We got to the track just two races before she was to race. We went outside to watch her prep and walk...IT was INCREDIBLY HOT.. and Nathan kept poring buckets of ice on her. Which really made her mad too! The girls, Nana and I earlier in the day had enjoyed a "Mother's Day Tea" in Plano along with my mom and Memaw. It was really nice. We were all very excited to be able to go with Nick later on to the races. Like I said we got there just in time to watch her walk. I remember my stomach hurting from excitement and also worry that something was going to happen to Sueno in the race because she had never ran in this kind of heat before. I remember hearing others put in their bets and talking about Sueno. I also quickly put my bet down. She was 5/1 which was not so hot and Nick said it was because in the last race she ran she won 2nd and should have won. This time she was expected to win. But you never know what's going to happen. After trying to answer every question under the sun from the twins... we all raced outside to the lowest part of the track pushing our way through the crowd and watching as they loaded the horses in their spots. Trying to keep a close eye one the girls and answering all their questions...I realized how super HOT I was getting. I was holding Sydnee and trying to get her to look out on the track. She was more interested in getting down and walking & exploring what was all over the ground. (old bet tickets and cigarette butts) Then the race began!! And God was it HOT!! I was sweating so bad and we'd only been outside for about 10-15 minutes!!At the first of the race we all were biting our nails and it was very silent...Sueno was riding in the middle of the pack. Then as the pack rounded the corner we all were yelling and jumping up and down. I could not stop thinking about HOT and humid it was!! My eyes were burning from sweat getting into them. By this time, I'd given up on fighting with Sydnee holding her back from the ground. I let her slide out from my sweaty arms. She too was just burning up! Her face was getting red and her head was wet with sweat too. I thought to myself just a little longer (like a minute) and we'd go inside to cool off! Suddenly... Sueno started to come around on the outside of the pack and pass all the others....then she was neck 'n neck with one other horse for the lead. We were all screaming and jumping up and running toward the track...GOD!! RUN!! BABY!! RUN!!!----YES!!YES!! YES!!------- SUENO WON!! SHE DID IT!! ---------------now hear is the part where I'm so so sad to say I did. I along with all the others standing with us started walking briskly toward the winners circle. All huggin', and giving each other high fives etc! Then I realized...HOlY CRAP where is Sydnee!! She was just at my feet and now GONE! As I looked frantically around yelling her name...I about threw up!! I look back behind me where we were standing and see Nana racing toward her as she lay on the ground crying. I raced over to her and grabbed her from Nana who had just swooped her up. She had a scrap on her sweaty little head and was whimpering her little cry. Nana said she saw her walking away from me as I watched the race and then as the race ended the crowd trampled over her to get closer to the track and she got knocked down. I cannot believe I'd just walked on without her!! God I felt horrible and at this point and I started yelling for Nick. He came running back from going toward the "winners circle" and gave me a stern look and took Sydnee from my arms. We all started walking toward the finish line to Sueno. We didn't make it to the winners circle in time to get a picture with Sueno and its all my fault for leaving my precious Syd behind. I tried to video a little bit of the end of the race and us trying to get our picture too but that didn't work so well either. You can check it out what I was able to video. I was so thrilled that Sueno won but at the same time I couldn't stop thinking what Sydnee must be feeling and what horrible things would've happened. Thank God for Nana getting to her so quickly. A Mother's Day weekend race and I definitely did NOT deserve to get a medal for MOM of the year or anything. All in all, it was a memorable day...and next time I go watch Sueno race, I'm going to stay inside watch the race on the monitors, sip on a cold one while I rock & push Sydnee in her stroller!!

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