Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Make it a good one!

This is Katelyn's and Lexi's last week of school. The LAST Monday of 2nd grade was yesterday...I did my best to point that out to them as I dragged them out of bed complaining. Lexi's hates Monday's because she says she hates going to PE and she doesn't like to wear tennis shoes all day. Katelyn doesn't like Mondays because...well because it's Monday. After some tears and whining I finally got them both downstairs to breakfast. I tried to point out to the girls to enjoy this week because it's their last few days of being in 2nd grade! They didn't seem to really understand why I was so sentimental about it. Katelyn's comment to me.."whatever mom..we're still going to the same school next year...what's the big deal...I still have to do school work!" Ahh! I asked if they were going to be sad, even just a little bit, and they both shrugged their shoulders and shook their head yes. So as Nick took them out the door headed to school I hugged them and said," It's your last "Monday" of 2nd grade...make it a good one!" Lexi asked," Mom, do you remember your last Monday of 2nd grade?"
As I thought about it...NO I can't even remember being in 2nd grade! But I told her of course I did and that it was a great Monday! (now I'm feeling old...I cannot even remember ONE of my elementary school teachers' names)
OK so yesterday went pretty smoothly...
So today is the last Tuesday of 2nd grade...I didn't mention that this morning...I just went on as it was a normal school day. But I still hope they "make it a good one". I just hope they really have a good day and I hope 2nd grade was a good year for them. I always say this but I cannot believe how fast they are growing up...this school year is already over...they are 8 yrs old...Syd's already 15 months..etc. etc. Time is flying!!
Both girls seemed excited to go to school today because they get to "clean out" their desks and help clean the classrooms and bring it all home!! (ugh! all the papers!) I was told to send extra bags with them so they can carry all their stuff back easier. (ugh! the papers!) Anyway, they both just cannot wait till school is out and its SUMMER BREAK!! Gosh I remember how excited I used to get about Summer too...I LOVE Summer!
Now I'm thinking...I really need to get on the ball and start planning some fun stuff for us to do! And speaking of cleaning stuff out...startin' fresh!
That's what I want to do today too...clean out my closet, my bathroom, etc. to start "fresh"! But we'll have to see what happens...I "want" to do alot of things lately and it all doesn't always work out as planned.
I just heard it's going to be a hot 97 degrees today and this is just the 1st part of June! ugh! Well, Happy Tuesday! Syd just woke so I've gotta go! I'll do my best to "make it a good one!"
Thank you God for all you've blessed me with today

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