Wednesday, May 28, 2008

stop readin' and start typin'

Ok again its 2:30 am and I cannot sleep! Or I'm up on the computer again. Nick thinks I'm emailing. But no... I find myself lost in reading other blogs and I never write in mine! So my goal for the week...write at least once a day...I can do it!
So does this count as my "typin" for today....I think so...
I'm tired and I've got to get up early for the usual...getting the girls dressed and off to school. (only 6-7 more days left!) Summer is here!!
Can you believe it!? I hear Lexi upstairs walking around...maybe she's sleepwalking again? I think she's headed for my room. Maybe another bad dream? I'm sure when I log off and go to get in bed there will only be a little corner of the bed left for me to squeeze into. That's OK... with Nick, both K&L spread out on the bed. (Syd's in there too in the pack n' play)...something about watching my precious family peacefully sleep all together in one cozy room just makes my heart smile. Sunday mornings are the best cuz we all can sleep in...not tomorrow though! I better go take my advil pm, say my prayers and go try and doze off. good nite.

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